Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Time is Now!

By committing yourself to one “Power Hour” a day of focused development, you will be well on your way to achieving your business goals—and specifically, to more than tripling the income you can earn by retailing alone!

The secret is building a team!

As Confucius said, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Beachbody designed to help you break down your journey to success into simple daily activities that can help build your team and give you the structure and focus to achieve your goals.

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Give People a Better Quality of Life

The great thing about being a Beachbody Coach is you’re helping to spread a healthy lifestyle.

Our products give people a better quality of life, helping them feel and look better.

You can be proud that by being a Coach and encouraging others to become a Coach, you are taking up arms in the fight against obesity.

Instead of making money selling people stuff they don’t need or can’t afford, you’re helping people make proactive choices to improve their health, their lives, and the lives of those around them.

You have the chance to actually earn a living doing something that matters. You have the chance to make money and help other people make money by making the world a better, healthier place.

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Quickly, Easily, Naturally

We'll show you how to meet all of your fitness, and financial, goals quickly, easily and naturally.

Get Fit, Have Fun, Be Healthy! We'll show you how.

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Are You P.O.O.R?

Are You P.O.O.R?


Then, Don't Let This Pass You By.

Are You Concerned About Your Financial Future?

Do yourself a favor and take a serious look at the information below.

We have a tremendous team and are attracting industry leaders from all kinds of different companies.

We are teaching people step by step how to be successful and how to market.

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Because He Said He Would

It was a family get-to-together a few years ago, and in my absence my family began to speculate if I was going to show up. Some said, "Probably." Others didn't think so. Then my aunt chimed in, "He'll be here." Everyone turned and looked at my aunt because of her matter-of-fact tone. My grandmother said, "How do you know that?"

My aunt replied, "Because he said he would – Not only that… he will be on time!"

That was that, and the conversation shifted to other matters and preparing the food. The lunch was set to begin at 1:00 and at 12:57 there was no sign of me, yet the look on my aunt's face was as relaxed as it could be (she has nerves of steel – not a good idea to play poker with her).

Then at 12:58 the door knob began to turn and I walked through the door. As soon I stepped foot in the house, my aunt threw up her arms as if to signal the game-winning field goal and said, "What did I tell ya?!" My aunt has never been above gloating and savors every opportunity.

I soon realized her happiness was more than simply me joining them for lunch. That reaction from my aunt caused me to think that day. It forced me to pause and realize how valuable it is in life and business for others to trust what you say and feel comfortable depending upon you.

It is priceless when others are 100% confident that you will follow through on your word.

How do you garner that kind of trust? How do you become a person others will trust to be there or do what you say that you will? Simple…. you do what you say you will do. It may seem elementary, yet if you do this day in and day out believe it or not people will begin to notice. You don't have to advertise that you are a person who keeps his word. Others will just figure it out.

It is so rare and so uncommon that you will stand out like a red marble in a bowl of white marbles.

There is a truth that says, "He who is faithful in little will also be faithful with much." There is no task, chore or promise that is too small to be faithful with. It could be keeping a secret, a promise or following through on a statement. It could be simply arriving on time or delivering your product when you said you would.

When you are faithful in a lot of little things – those little things end up meaning a lot over time. It has been said that a good name is more desirable than riches. It is certainly worth more, and good luck attempting to build riches without a good name.

If you are not reliable and trustworthy when your friends have referrals they could give you, do you think that they would? If you don't follow through on the simple matters of life, why would anyone trust you or refer business to you?

Hopefully, one day someone will say about you, "Because they said they would!"

1. When you say you will be there at 1:00, be there at 1:00
2. When you promise to deliver your product on time, deliver your product on time
3. If you don't have someone on the way to purchase the product in which your prospect is interested, don't fabricate someone to create urgency; take a sales training course and learn how to sell
4. If you say you will call, call!
5. Pay your bills on time; cut back on your expenses if you can't do this
6. Become trustworthy -- it is very simple; it is about the little things

author-- Ron White

Have you said you are getting fit?

Have you said you are building a business?

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Develop the Do-it-now Habit

Self-Discipline really encompasses nearly everything in life. Do you remember in school when you were given 30 days to write a term paper? Did you start it that first night?

Most of us didn't. Instead, we thought about it every night. "Got to get moving on that ratty project. But I've got almost a whole month left--it can wait." As time goes by, worry about getting a failing grade looms larger in our minds. At first the pain of starting the term paper is greater than our concern about the failing grade, so after a week we still haven't started. Two weeks go by. What are we doing every night before we go to sleep? Worrying about that F. "I better start. Tomorrow I'll get moving on it."

A week before the term paper is due, the F is getting larger--but it's still not quite large enough to offset the pain of working at preventing it. All of a sudden there are only three days left before it's due, and at last the F looms larger than the pain of working on the term paper. So we start.

As you lay it out you begin feeling some enthusiasm. "This isn't bad. I may get an A if I do this and do that." When you walk in with your paper you're happy, but you wasted 27 days worrying about starting. In other words, you operated at a deficit emotionally for 27 days when you could have been in the profit column the whole time. Move into the emotional profit column right now; starting today, get your priority tasks and actions handled promptly. Plan your actions, then act on your plans. Apply this determination to every area of your life and it will make an enormous difference in your income, growth rate in business as well as your satisfaction and growth rate personally.

The portrait of a man who was being called the Whiz Kid on Wall Street appeared on the cover of a national magazine many years ago. He was one of the first to put a conglomerate together, and some of the federal laws affecting business in the early '70s came about because of the trends that his creativity set off. At the time he was 42; he was running one of the largest industrial combines in the country, the conglomerate he had built himself. So the magazine had assigned a journalist and a team of researchers to do an in-depth report on this entrepreneur.

One of the researchers went to the small city the dynamic executive had left 15 years earlier. A few items turned up there about an alcoholic with the same name who had been sleeping on park benches at that time. The researcher passed this information along, and as the journalist was concluding his interview with the Wall Street powerhouse in his plush office, the journalist laughed and said, "Believe it or not, a man with your exact name was sleeping on park benches and getting ousted by the police when you lived in your home town. I guess the poor guy was a real wino. Isn't that something?"

The president looked up and smiled. "That was me," he said.

The reporter was flabbergasted. "This can't be. You're kidding."

The president of the conglomerate leaned back in his leather chair and shook his head. "I'm not kidding. The wino sleeping off drinks on park benches was me."

The journalist stared at him for a moment and realized that the man was telling the truth. He also realized that now he had a whole new story. When his apologies were waved aside, he said, "I have to ask, what made you change?"

Listen to what he said because so many people fit this mold: "When I was sleeping under newspapers in the park 15 years ago, I knew that someday I would do what I'm doing now. I was just waiting until I was ready to start."

Do you know how many people are like that? "Well, next year's my year. I'm going to get to work then. You just wait and see--right after the first of the year I'm gonna start shaping up." But, of course, the time to get going never quite comes for most people. They have good intentions, but are lacking the two most vital components of any good deed: the motivation to begin and a strategic plan to keep them moving forward.

You see, by not beginning, you're not risking failure, but you're also confining yourself to the level of success you currently have. If you're happy with that, fine. If not, make that plan and get fired up!

If your potential for greater success is nagging at you, don't wait. Time is flying by so fast. Start today to achieve the greatness you know is within you.
author: Tom Hopkins

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially



"Have the dogged determination to follow through to achieve your goal; regardless of circumstances or whatever other people say, think, or do." -- Paul Meyer

"Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you've signed up for a season, see it through. You don't have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through." -- Jim Rohn

"Develop a compulsion to closure. Once you begin, refuse to stop before completion." -- Brian Tracy

"There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks." -- David Lloyd George

"If you field the call, it's up to you to be responsible, even though you are not the person who may take the action." -- Jeffrey Gitomer

"Everything depends upon execution; having just a vision is no solution." – Stephen Sondheim

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Opportunities have Never Been Better.

Opportunities for a self-managing, self-starter have never been better.

Your most valuable assets, especially in today's economy, are your abilities to use your mind to access, communicate and creatively evaluate information.

If you're looking for more success in your business, personal and family life, we have proven answers and action steps for you.

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

I Have a Question For You.

I have a question for you.

Are you making money with your home business?

Let's keep it real. The reason you got into business was to make money.

If you have taken and implemented all of the training offered by your company or upline and you are still getting poor results, it's time to do something different.

Does that make sense?

Send me an email to arrange a time for us to talk. I can tell you exactly how to start making money.

You can contact me directly at robbinsrun@beachbodycoach.com or pick up the phone and call me 307.788.0202

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Follow the The Exact Same Simple Steps

Let me show you a proven system that works for everyone who follows the exact same simple steps.

This system is not a scam, it is not hype.

This system is real and only for people who know they deserve a life of wealth and abundance.

Keep an open mind and take the time to find out howthis system works.

Don't let yourself think you know it all or that you've seen it all before.

Click below and I'll show you how.

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

The "Why Didn't I Think of That" Factor

Do you ever have moments when you feel like you've been sleepwalking?

You're an expert in something and then, whoa, you learn a new concept that hits you like a karate chop.

You snap to attention and say to yourself, "Why didn't I ever think of that?"or "Geez, why didn't someone tell me about this a few years ago?!"

This is exactly how I felt when I found out about this:

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

I Am Earning Money, Doing What I Love

I'm doing something so awesome, and I wanted to share it with you.

I've become a fitness Coach, and I'm earning money while I'm getting in shape.

It was so easy to do; and did not require any experience. I'm really enjoying this new side-job that is quickly becoming my full-time passion.

Let me know if you are interested in getting fit and earning extra money helping others do the same.

I can show you how easy it is to be a Beachbody Coach, and we can build an income together! Check out my Web site for more on what's going on!

You've got to check it out. It's life-changing!

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Yep I did it!

Yep, I did it!

I lost weight using Beachbody products, and now I'm a rep for the company!

I absolutely love it!

If you are thinking about losing weight, or you see a Beachbody product on TV that you'd be interested in trying, please let me know so I can show you how to get the lowest price and the fastest results.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Mary Has Become a Fitness Coach

Hi, I wanted to let you know that I am doing something really great for myself and for other people.

I'm focused on getting my body fit and healthy, and I'm helping people around me do the same. I've started my own business as a Beachbody Coach.

Check out my Web site.

Let me know if you'd be interested in fitness programs that will change your life, or if you know someone who wants to get in the best shape of their life and make money doing it!

To your health!

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Have You Ever Wondered?

Company Insights

• Have you ever wondered what the power of TV could do for a business
• What would happen if you received customers for your new business daily
• We can provide quality people to talk to who contacted you first
• We can show you how with a proven business model

Let me know what you need to make a good decision for your future today. I give you my personal commitment to be upfront and honest about what we have to offer and what you have to gain!

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

5 Key Success Factors

I know if you call 307-788-0202 or watch the overview and you will see exactly why top leaders are choosing BeachBody as the work at home choice.

5 Key Success Factors

1. Low Start up cost - $100
2. F.r.e.e Leads – No extra expense and helps people go beyond warm
3. F.r.e.e Customers – After you enroll 2 or anyone in your team imagine 50 Free customers already buying from TV and you get paid
4. F.r.e.e Business Builders – They are enroll by a call center and given to you after you enroll 8
5. Systems and Support – Work with top income earners and have all the automated and online tools you need in place

Getting Started

• Low Start up - $100: Business kit, Website with contact manager, product
• Online enrollment: quick and easy

Customer Acquisition

• When you help just 2 coaches get started with our company you earn the customers from TV
• Starting acquiring a portion of the $15,000-30,000 generated weekly by the company

Company Credentials

• The company has a 10+ year track record
• They have Nationally Branded Products that focus on Fitness, Weight Loss, and Nutrition

System and Team Support

• Partner with experienced top income earners from the industry
• Team systems for automation and time leverage already in place

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

Let's not beat around the bush.

Let’s not beat around the network marketing bush. I know that building a
profitable home-based business is not easy and that it takes, time, effort,
and an investment.

And most of the time it includes a monthly fee as well.

Then, there are the products. Do you like the products you’ve tried? Are they too expensive?

When you step back and look at most home-based businesses there are definite concerns.

• Will my customers really stay in, so that I can get residual commission?
• Are there too many comparable products to the one I’m promoting?
• How much will I need to spend on leads to really make this work?

All valid questions. All a concern with most of the businesses out there.

I don’t want to lead you on or offer just another business opportunity.

I don’t want to waste your time and pull you when you’re not interested at all.

But what I am asking is for you to read this. You don’t have to contact me if you don’t want to.

But look at what I have found after months of research.

I found a TV Infomercial company that answers your questions for you.

• You can very easily qualify to get free customers every month by just referring 2 people to the business.
• These customers are from the company. Not someone you had to go recruit. Imagine that - real customers buying something because they initiated the sale.
• No other company compares to our product line in the home-basedarena. No one.
• Leads are still here. But they are FREE for you. Under $100 to start. No need to clear your vision. Under $100 to start.

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

Contact me and we will move forward by phone or email ~ let me know what you prefer!

Have a wonderful day!

Click below to get the body you want and the lifestyle you deserve.

My Resolutions:
Live the Greatest Year of my Life!
Live Life now: appreciate each moment as it happens!
Live in peace within myself!

Life is a journey, enjoy the trip.
Mary E. Robbins & the Hairballs
Robbins Run Ranch: Living the Dream With Our Pomeranians

Independent Beachbody Coach: Getting Fit Physically and Financially

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